When you are starting up your business, or when you have had your business in place for a while, sometimes security isn’t at the forefront of your mind. However, ignoring security can only work for so long, and if you haven’t had a security camera installation for your Tampa business, then you will quickly find out why you should. It only takes the first time you have a major incident where having video footage would have made the situation far easier to handle. Security cameras have a lot of options these days; they not only help in catching thieves or other criminals, but they can also help with insurance claims, or even by preventing serious issues before they happen.
Prevent Thefts and Other Crimes
Nothing is better for a thief than there being no eyes on an area. You could have security guards patrolling your business during work hours, and possibly somebody after hours, but they cannot be everywhere at once. With a security camera installation, you can have the coverage you need that a whole team of security guards couldn’t give you. With a single command center, a security specialist can have a series of monitors that not only give them live views of every entrance, exit, and vulnerable and high value target area, but that also records footage for later perusing if an accident or crime does happen.
Assist with Police Investigations
If you have had a crime happen on your property, you will quickly learn that, if you had a security camera installation, you would have all the evidence you need to help capture the incident for a thorough police investigation. Security footage from cameras not only give visual data about a crime, but they can also include audio. With a robust security camera system, catching criminals will become much easier—especially if you have good angles, and if they are unsuspecting enough not to cover their faces (although cameras can help determine other information about them as well, such as height.)
Facilitate Faster Claims and Disputes
A security camera installation isn’t just for crimes, though; if you have had an accident on your job site and didn’t catch it on camera, insurance claims can become a real handful. With recorded footage in work areas, you can easily submit footage to your insurance company when an accident happens at your worksite, or if an employee is falsely claiming a safety hazard at your jobsite. With reliable video footage, claims and disputes can be handled at a much faster speed, and insurance companies may even give you a slight break on insurance plan costs.
Peace of Mind
Finally, security camera installations are just a great idea to give you the peace of mind of knowing your business is being watched over by both security guards and technology, ensuring that it is as safe as possible for both you and your employees. With remote access options, you could even tap into your security camera system to make sure everything is running smoothly on your next vacation.
If you are looking for a robust and affordable state-of-the-art security camera installation for your business in Tampa, St. Petersburg, or the Clearwater FL area, contact Securiteam today for a consultation. Visit our website for more details.