How to Use Home Automation for Powerful Protection

Hurricane Katrina landfall in Pensacola FL
Hurricane Katrina landfall in Pensacola FL

Even though it is widely name as the sunshine state, hurricane season is very much a fact of life in Florida. True, it has been 92 years since the Tampa Bay area took a direct hurricane hit. However, the past few weeks have shown us that huge storms and floods can be very damaging. Being prepared for power outages and rising waters is vital! Luckily, there are some measures we can take ahead of time to make sure we are ready, like using the tips contained in this comprehensive hurricane preparedness guide published by the Tampa Bay Times.  Installation and use of home automation equipment offers additional warnings and protections.

Home automation protections

Flood sensors alert you when moisture begins to seep into areas where they are installed; in addition to letting you know to get your family and pets out if needed, they also allow you to quickly take action and avoid expensive, and sometimes heartbreaking, losses of prized possessions. These home automation systems can be set to call you or send a signal to your telephone for the fastest advance notice so that you can minimize any damages or injuries. Flash flooding is a very real danger, especially in coastal areas, and accounts for the most loss of life of all weather-related fatalities in the US.

Temperature sensors can alert you when the monitored area rises above or falls below the set parameters, which is important during the rainy season. For instance, if you have a wine cellar or walk-in freezer– temperatures need to remain constant and within the proper range, and the use of temperature sensors can help you avoid expensive losses.  Likewise, you can have temperature sensors in your living area to alert you if there is a problem with your heating or cooling systems; this allows you to proactively seek a solution, or help, and get it repaired immediately.  No reason to come home to an extremely hot and humid house, or worse, let your dog suffer while you are at work.

Window and door sensors let you know from a distance if someone opens them, and will also dispatch law enforcement personnel if needed. Glass break sensors are a really good idea in tropical storm and hurricane-prone areas as well; these will warn you if wind, hail, or a tree branch breaks a window or glass in your door.

Aftermath Hurricane Charley Ft Myers FL
Aftermath Hurricane Charley Ft Myers FL

For all home automation systems, we recommend and install products that have battery backups. This ensures that you will have continuous coverage even in the event of a power failure or planned power shutoff. (Which we have seen happen in areas around Tampa Bay to avoid fires and other problems during the flooding the last few weeks.)

[bctt tweet="Install home automation equipment that will warn you of problems before they grow."]

Here are a few good resources to keep your family, your home and all of your property safe during hurricane season:

FloodSmart  Federal government resource

Storm Tracking Be prepared by knowing what is headed your way

Be ready for all contingencies during hurricane and storm season in the Tampa Bay area by checking out the above resources. Our best advice: Install home automation equipment that will warn you of small problems before they turn into big ones! Call us at 813-909-7775 for a no-obligation consultation at your home or business. Stay safe, Tampa Bay!
